Answer: See the expiry date on the vaccine label. Note: Expiry date is only valid when the vaccine has been held constantly below 8 ºC.
Answer: The vaccine should not be frozen.
Answer: As long as the temperature remains constant, between 2 – 8 ºC (no power cuts), then the vaccine can be stored in a fridge until the expiry date shown on the label.
Answer: Unopened vaccine: 30 days or until the expiry date (whichever is sooner) *Note: These are the recommended limits, but once the vaccine is removed from the fridge, it should always be used as quickly as possible.
Answer: 3 days (72hours)
Answer: One day old (as soon as it hatches)
Answer: YES. However, unhealthy, malnourished or sickly birds should not be vaccinated, as the vaccine will not develop sufficient immunity in these birds, and the vaccine will not help them get better. These birds should be separated from the rest of the flock if possible.
Answer: It is not possible to guarantee that all birds will survive (i.e.100% protection). Some birds may already have been incubating the disease, or a small number of birds do not respond to the vaccine, especially if they are sick or malnourished. However, if vaccination campaigns are well done, at least 80% of vaccinated birds should survive an ND outbreak if it occurs during the first four months following vaccination. Birds vaccinated more than four months previously are unlikely to be protected.
Answer: Just one: that is one drop in one eye, no matter what age the chicken is. However, if you think the drop did not enter the bird’s eye, you can safely give another drop.