
Vaccine Manufacturing

We manufacture and distribute vaccine named KUKUSTAR, a Thermal Tolerant Newcastle Disease Vaccine.

The thermal tolerant properties of this vaccine make it ideal for use by rural farmers as it eliminates the need for cold chain logistics for the end user.  Further more in a more commercial setting at the point of administration the vaccine is viable for 72 hours ensuring that all birds get a therapeutic dose.

Vaccine Distribution

Brentec Vaccines Lid is calling for veterinary drug shops and companies interested in serving as distribution agents for KUKUSTAR®. To ensure that this poverty- eradication tool reaches farmers in every corner of the country, we have grouped districts into 12 clusters or regions each of which is to be served by a specific distributor. 


We offer  farmers and famer’s groups at house hold level on livestock management. The trainings are meant to help the customers get the necessary information that can help them decide on;

  • The kind of breed to keep.
  • The kind of feeds to be offered.
  • When to seek extension services for their livestock